Blue Planet Strategies was founded on Earth Day (April 22nd) 2019 by ocean lawyer and campaign strategist Roger Fleming and marine scientist and educator Zack Klyver. We took on this new venture because of our commitment to restoring our world’s oceans and ocean life through our work with marine conservation, education, and science organizations, fishing and ocean-related businesses, and all levels of government. We work to find solutions that will help address the impacts of climate change, rebuild sustainable fisheries, conserve the world’s great whales, and otherwise protect the ocean and coastal ecosystem. We assist our clients by developing effective strategies for changing public policy, developing partnerships to solve problems through collaboration, and building organizational strength needed to take on the biggest threats to our world’s oceans.
Provide 99% of habitat for life on earth…
Cover 71% of the surface of the planet…
Produce 50% of the oxygen we breath…
Absorb 40% of annual carbon emissions…
Are under threat from climate change, acidification,
plastic, pollution, bycatch, and overfishing…
Belong to all of us…